New projects, old projects

I've now been developing Open Source projects for quite some time (roughly since 2015, to be exact). For the majority of the time, I worked on these projects to reach some kind of goal, like reaching a certain sets of features or a user base. Many of these projects are tightly connected to topics I feel interested in. And these change sometimes...
As with all free-time projects, it's quite hard to keep them going, especially without getting a return. With finishing my bachelor's degree, I've decided that projects I will continue to work on will need to require to have some "return of interest" for me. This "return" does not have to be monetary at all, but it needs to be something.

Another thing: Within the chaotic times we live in, I've decided to pull the plug on some projects to be able to focus on a smaller amount of projects more efficient. I aim to be able to keep the time spent "more compact" on the remaining projects. Additionally, I need to step back from working every single minute, either paid or unpaid. It's just not healthy.
So, enough of the bla-bla...
To call it by name: As some already might have suspected, I'm ending the APX orchestrator project.

During June, I've had a little productivity boost on the project, resulting in a merge request for Release 81. But I never finished the merge request, especially as this would require to keep up with S397 recent changes, which I absolutely not followed as I must admit that I completely lost interest in the whole sim racing topic.
The plan
There is no really "tear down plan", but I think I will take down website, wiki and releases this or next month. The GitHub repositories are already archived and will remain in this state. I don't plan to delete them for now. I might add the wiki pages to an archive on GitHub.
In case somebody wants to take over it's development, feel free to give me a ping.
Final words for APX
I want to thank everyone (but especially also to Stephan) for giving feedback and help during the development time. But to be absolutely honest: The complexity of the challenges were rising and rising (as I already wrote about), and I don't see the motivation to continue working on this. The APX project never was flawless, but neither was it's target platform. But just chaining bugfixes and workarounds makes neither fun nor profit.
Of course working on such projects is always "good for a CV" (or maybe not...), or just good for gaining experience. So it's not like I am being pissed for working on such a project, but there remains a feel of not being able to pull the plug earlier as I am always quite attached on the projects I work on.
Until next time :)

Photo by RĂ©mi Jacquaint on Unsplash